Saturday, April 26, 2014

"About Tennis"

"About Tennis"

"About Tennis" is not a published book. But how do I know about it? I'll tell you who the author is. ME!!!!!

I started this story in 2012 and finished it in July 2013. Why did I go on with this task? I did this because I wanted to show my unique writing in a creative manner and so, I did it along with my cousin sister who lives in Bangalore, India.

To be honest, I didn't go for this book at first, but I eventually agreed. And so, I took a Windows 8 desktop and Microsoft Word, and got to work. The final book ended up being over 100 sheets on Microsoft Word, if I printed it on both sides. I put it in chapter book format and got about 320 pages.


I tried to include a lot of good writing craft in there. And overall I thought it was pretty good. I'm sure some of my fellow freshmen classmates have already read it, and they were really happy with it. 

There are a lot of funny scenes, and really dramatic scenes as well. It mainly concerns a group of tennis kids who have strong feelings against one another that results in various problems that slowly try to break the bond of unity among them.

I made myself one of the main characters of the book. So I play the role of Anirudh Talwar; a bitter and cynical former tennis player who is insecure of his friends' success in tennis and life as high school kids. There are other characters in the book, mostly kids in MHS. But I really don't feel like revealing their names. All the tennis team kids are Indians.

The book received major comments on Blogger but emerged as one of the top 100 best stories of the country.  

When I posted it on my writing blog (not this blog), I got really overwhelmed by the number of +1's I got. In one week, every single post received an average of 204,678 +1's when I calculated all the posts together. That's when I made the blog private, but I keep five unsold copies of the book in my locker, for anyone who wants to read it.

The contents of the book are as follows.

Chapter 1: The Win
Chapter 2: Meeting Sathya

4 years later

Chapter 3: Common Dissatisfactions.
Chapter 4: Dolphins vs. Tigers
Chapter 5: The Hospital Scene
Chapter 6: Sathya Gets Added
Chapter 7: The Dance Scene
Chapter 8: Problems Rise
Chapter 9: The Attempt for Revival
Chapter 10: Arguments


Chapter 11: A Possible Solution
Chapter 12: The Conversation
Chapter 13: A Small Reform
Chapter 14: Kings Island
Chapter 15: The Yelling
Chapter 16: The Invitation
Chapter 17: Time Passes
Chapter 18: The Final Match
Chapter 19: The Celebration


You guys can ask me if you want to read the book and I'll be happy to lend a copy to you.
Two sequels will be released soon!!!

The writing blog where I posted the book is But don't do anything stupid there.


  1. This actually sounds really cool that you wrote a book! I dont know anybody that has dont that at our age. I also like that it is about something you love and have a passion for, so you can put a lot od detail and heart into your words.

  2. I would be interested to read this book
