Thursday, September 19, 2013

"The River" + Theme and Summary Prompt

"The River" + Theme and Summary Prompt

For a brief preview, this book is the second book that author Gary Paulsen has written after the first book "Hatchet." A quick summary of that is that a plane with a boy named Brian Robeson crashes because the pilot has a heart attack and so Brian survives the crash and he is the only survivor. Stranded in the Canadian Wilderness, he manages to survive 54 days of life all by himself, until a helicopter finds him completely fine.

The River takes place two years after the events of the first book. Here, Brian is now living in Canada where three government officials want him to teach the modern day society how he survived 54 days in the wilderness alone, with survival techniques. Brian says he is still recovering from those 54 days and he decides to think about teaching the government all his survival skills. That's all I have read so far, but within those two short chapters, we can tell from the work that Brian acts differently than an average human in some ways, probably because of his time in the wilderness.

In just these two short chapters and only regarding these chapters, this work tells us here that Brian behaves in general, after his wilderness time, completely addicted to the living of the 21st century of the human society, especially with food. With food, Brian acts like he's totally addicted to food and the narrator says that he loves the smell of food and his mouth probably waters up to the fullest.

The work tells us within the first two chapters only that the 21st century human society affects Brian, in a way because in the wilderness, he had to adapt slowly to whole new circumstances, and he had to find food himself and make a living for himself. But in the 21st century, inventions and other technology have made life just superior and easy, especially the abundance of food readily available for people. This one aspect of food abundance in the 21st century human society affects Brian a lot because according to the words of the book, Brian loves the smell of food, the taste of food, even the sounds of chewing the food. People like his mom are even asking him if he is okay. That's how much Brian is addicted to food, according to just these two chapters, mainly because he had to eat food off the plants and other natural places in the wilderness.

As of 9/19

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