Saturday, August 31, 2013

Extra Credit: Basic Beginning Summary

Extra Credit: Basic Beginning Summary

This is a book written by author Andrew Clements. It focuses upon a sixth-grade student named Abby Carson, who really doesn't like doing schoolwork. And in February of her sixth-grade year, an academic warning letter is sent home to let her know that if her grades don't improve, she's going to have to repeat the sixth grade and she doesn't want that to happen. So she talks to her teacher about this, and the teacher recommends her that she do an extra credit project that involves having to find a pen pal from a foreign country and writing letters to them back and forth. Then she has to create a bulletin board display in the classroom. And finally, when she has received at least four letters, she has to give an oral report to the class about what she has learned from this pen pal experience. 

From what I have read so far, she has already realized her mistakes in school about schoolwork and so she has to do this assignment in order to avoid repeating sixth grade. So now, from where I've left off, she has already written one letter to a school in Afghanistan near Kabul, but till the end of the chapter where I left off, her new pen pal's name remains not revealed. 

As of 8/31 by Anirudh Rajagopalan

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2013 Summer Reading Assignment: "Motherland"

2013 Summer Reading Assignment: "Motherland"
Motherland Novel Rating: 9
Motherland is a novel about a fifteen-year old Indian girl named Maya, living in the United States, who is sent to India for the summer months of June, July, and August to spend time with her family in the tea hills above Coimbatore. Before the trip, Maya had different points of views on her family like for example, she thought she wasn't really close to them, and she also thought that her mother sent her to India alone just because she doesn't love her daughter. Meanwhile, Maya decides to spend time with her family and most of all, her grandmother, a terminally ill patient and as the story progresses, her grandmother's health deteriorates and so Maya spends the best of time with her, and Maya eventually solves her family problems with the words of her grandmother, and eventually, her grandmother dies at the end of the story. The theme of this novel is family love, because this is the story of how a teenage girl's love and affection increased forever through spending time and having fun with them, and so Maya, in this case, has gotten closer to her family and she stays in touch with them very often.

Saturday, August 24, 2013